Saturday, 7 April 2007

Of Blog and Spice..

Ahh.. The blog. How it captures people's minds, screws up their perception of communication and tells us how much people really want to say about themselves and others. What is expressed in a blog is far more than you can perceive( about someone's life, not their personality) from simply meeting someone for 10 minutes.. why? Why is it that people will write intimate details of their lives for any other stranger to see while when meeting someone for the first time, ( probably a friend of a friend, who is still closer and more trustworthy than a total stranger) a person chooses to hide behind a curtain of superficiality until they're really close to that person?? Is it cowardice? (or shall I say 'fear' as to not be rude) I mean in a blog, you write what you want and the consequences are minimal, people read your blog and they react but you don't have to see that reaction nor respond to it.. you don't have to look at the face of the person, hence all fear is alleviated and every other Tom, Dick and Harry transforms into the world's most confident spokesperson. Hence in my opinion, and everyone is of course entitled to their own, a blog is a misrepresentation of a persons personality and self-esteem, and just simply a diary of facts( or thoughts which you will never know are spontaneous or rehearsed). I say you cannot judge a persons personality from his or her blog because you know as well as I do that someone morbid, rude, annoying and cruel could portray the opposite in the blog. What happened to good old fashion conversations? Text will never be a substitute for the spoken word, and the latter is what is needed to do justice to an individual, be it good or bad. For this reason I will not blog about anyone in particular but more of people in general, objects, insects and groups or organizations.


Quirksy said...

I'd like to read a blog about insects.

Yi Wei said...

I also wanna read a blog about insects... That'll be quite interesting...

Justin ® said...

Hi Sam. DotA?

Herbert said...

i wanna hear about nerubians and meepos...